Thursday, September 30, 2010

September's checkup...

So it is probably somewhat cliche to say "sorry it's been so long since we've posted", so I won't say it...


Anyway, I wanted to bring you all up to speed on the checkup Levi had on September 16th. There isn't much to report - which means it was an AWESOME report! The doctor confirmed that he was doing great, and the nurse once again commented on how privileged she felt to get to tell the other nurses in nursing school about little Levi.

I would like to personally thank all of you who prayed for us before the September visit. For some reason, I was really keyed up for that one. Maybe because it had been three months since our last checkup, maybe because I was afraid that all of this was just a great dream, maybe because I have trouble getting out of my own way and trusting God... Probably a little of all three. But once again, God proved that His work is perfect and complete, and He continues to answer prayers. He has something big planned for our little boy - I just can't wait to see what it is.

Since our last post, we have had the opportunity to share Levi's story to several people and at a few events. We shared at the Christian Motorcyclists Association (CMA) State Rally, a Men Following Christ breakfast, and tonight we get to share at a church meeting here in Warsaw. What awesome opportunities, and what an impact Levi's testimony has! I have told him though that I am only sharing it for awhile... When he is old enough, he will be sharing it himself!

Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts for your continued prayers and support. We serve an awesome God, which is a reassuring thought when you look at the world around us.

Love you all,

Michael, Stephanie, Caylee Grace, and Levi Nathan Whitesell